Montag, 2. März 2015

Contemporary Art: Ottoman Tombstones

Ottoman Tombstones
These contemporary art series of Ottoman tombstones are created in graffiti style. Because the last 10 years was noticeable the graffiti scene in Istanbul or like other megacities in the Republic of Turkey. I saw the progress in the youth scene of Breakdance, Graffiti and MC. Then, I saw because of a research the tombstones in Istanbul. I have realised, that the calligraphy in Arabic script of these tombstones looks like the graffiti style. The Afro-American have realized, that they have the best opportunity, if they to go with the times and to discover new influences. The foundation of Republic of Turkey is also progress and modern. They have also realized, that they have the best opportunity, if they build a modern and progressive civilization. It was so transparently to see the modern youth, the ancient culture and the adaptive development. On that score, I have created these digital and contemporary art print series in style of graffiti. These series includes the themes urbanism, reclusion, ethnology and socilogy also the social problems.

Digital and Contemporary Art Print Series; Ottoman Tombstones

Untitled, #0019.4,
print on glossy paper,
55 x 40 cm as complete series available
135 x 96 cm
Digital and Contemporary Art Print 

Untitled, #0018.11,
55 x 40 cm as complete series available
135 x 96 cm
Digital and Contemporary Art Print        

News as regards the court language 'Ottoman Turkish':
In German:
Kulturkampf auf Türkisch: Erdogan auf den Spuren der Osmanen; NZZ
Islamisierung des türkischen Bildungssystems: Osmanisch für alle; Der Tagesspiegel

In English:
AKP vows to impose 'Arabic' Ottoman lessons in schools; The Telegraph
AKP's Ottoman language drive faces backlash in Turkey; Reuters